How do we know there is a God? Could the universe and the people on
Earth have just happened? What might be good evidence that we have an
intelligent Creator? Let us see what reason suggests.
All we need to do is look at our universe with a telescope—or a plant
leaf under a microscope. Looking upward on a clear, starry night, who is
not awed by the beauty, order, variety and immensity of the heavens? A
leaf under a microscope reveals cells which are a whole factory of
specialized structures. And even beyond that there lies a whole universe
of molecules composed of atoms which in turn are composed of protons,
neutrons and electrons with even smaller subatomic particles. Every
plant, flower and star speaks to the wisdom and power of an intelligent
Creator. The wonderful laws in the harmony of nature cannot come from
mere chance. All nature plainly testifies to an intelligent Lawgiver.
Fixing of the Genesis “Kind”
It is claimed that all varieties of plants and animals were formed
without intelligence—that they developed by a law of “natural
selection,” “survival of the fittest,”–evolution. But it is self-evident
that effects must be produced by competent causes. Would it be
scientific to say that a watch found in a field just happened to exist
by itself without intelligence? That it gradually evolved? Yes, there
are frogs that can sing and apes that resemble men. But frogs do not
become birds, and apes do not become humans.
Climate and food supplies may affect adaptations. Different variations
of moths or frogs can be produced—but they are still moths and frogs!
But as Genesis describes creation, descent is always “after their kind”
(Genesis 1:25 NAS). God probably created only the dog “kind,” rather
than every poodle and boxer. There are over 10,500 identified species of
moths in North America alone. Though variations can emerge within a
species, each created “kind” is fixed.
True Science Is Based on Observable Facts
A century and a half after Darwin's Theory of Evolution, science still
has not demonstrated the theory by its own rules of observation! In
fact, since the 1980s, an Intelligent Design movement has been growing
among scientists. There is such incredible design in man and nature that
there must be an intelligent Designer behind it.
For example, half a century ago man's biological coding was discovered.
It is called DNA. This complex chemical “blueprint,” which uniquely
defines an individual, is replicated in each of the approximately 100
trillion cells in a human body. Each cell has a “blueprint,” or
language, in a chemical “alphabet” defining its particular function in
the workings of the body. As Psalms 139:14 declares, “I am fearfully and
wonderfully made.”
Evolution: The Fossils Say No!
The earliest fossil evidence is found in Precambrian rock strata. The
fossil evidence consists of single-celled algae. Then in the next
stratum above, suddenly 455 different complex invertebrate species
appear with no intermediate forms whatsoever. Similarly, fossil evidence
apparently shows that dinosaurs were exterminated by a worldwide
cataclysm. But the very next stratum of rock shows a completely new form
of mammalian animal life, such as we have today. No intermediate
organisms have ever been found–not a single fossil that could
demonstrate a gradual evolution. There are billions of missing links.
Skeletons of supposed prehistoric men, such as Java Man and Piltdown
Man, were actually reconstructed from only a few bone fragments. Later,
upon closer scrutiny, it was found that some of the fragments of each
were taken from different ages. One celebrated example, "Nebraska Man,"
was reconstructed on the basis of just one tooth. After much study and
investigation, it was admitted to be a wild pig's tooth! Scientists
often date the fossil by the rock layer in which it is found—then date
the rock layer by the fossils found in it.
Dating methods of fossils (such as Carbon-14 or Potassium-Argon) cannot
be positively relied upon. Both are based upon several assumptions, and
there is no proof that these could not have been significantly altered
by catastrophic events such as a universal flood.
Our Planet Earth Is Uniquely Privileged
Scientists tell us our distance from the sun is critical for life. The
balance of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the air is unique to
our Planet. Abundant water also is apparently unique and essential for
our complex life on Earth. The moon stabilizes the angle of the Earth's
axis, which gives us temperate seasons. All of this speaks of intent,
design, planning, and thought. From our solar system to the intricate
human eye—the wisdom and power of our Creator is clear! "Since the
creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and
divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has
been made" (Romans 1:20, nas).
Our Creator Has Implanted a Yearning to Know
Life could not have just spontaneously emerged out of a "primordial
soup." The fact that thousands of critical connections would have had to
happen at precisely the same time to form even the simplest cell is
irrefutable proof that the wonderful varieties of life could not have
come out of nothing. We are forced to conclude that there is an
intelligent Designer, a Creator! God's wisdom is vastly superior to
man's. "It is I who made the earth, and created man upon it. I stretched
out the heavens with My hands" (Isaiah 45:12 nas). From the beauty of
the heavens to the beauty of a rose—or in the compelling love of a
mother for her child—we see our Creator's love. Surely His love must be
vastly superior to ours—as well as His wisdom, justice and power.
God also implanted in us a yearning to understand the universe. We want
to understand where we have come from, where we are going, what is our
destiny. Having implanted in us this desire to know, would not a loving
and just Creator reveal for us an answer to these longings?
Let us then search the Bible for a Plan consistent with God's just and
loving character. As observed in nature—within ourselves and without—we
should confidently expect to find a Plan of God satisfying to reason.